Saturday, November 29, 2008

L'Argument's Last Night

Wow! It's been a crazy week! On Wednesday l'Argument opened in Windsor Theatre with an amazing performance. Since then we've had 2 other awesomo performances and now tonight is the last night of the show. I have to say I've had the most wonderfull time working with Tintamarre. I've made friends with so many great people and got to work on a very fun show. I'm going to miss it very much, what will I do with all my free time? I'm going to miss rehearsals and collaborating on the script and show. I'm going to miss the crazy green room antics we've had every night. I'm going to miss performing for some pretty awesome audiences. Most of all I'm going to miss the family that has formed with all the people involved, hopefully we'll see each other lots over the next semester. Congrats everyone in Tintamarre! Let's make this the best show it can be! Merde!


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